Passion. Purpose. Positive Expectation.




Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success. Sometimes those thoughts can become overwhelming; it can be hard to see through the worry and fear and take the necessary steps to move forward. That’s why we are here to help you!

At the BOLD Summit, we connect you with the leading industry experts who have already confronted these doubts and overcome! They know how to do it and do it well and they are here to show you the way. Kelly Hoppen, Martyn Lawrence Bullard, and Joan Behnke are three Masters of interior design and at BOLD 2015 you will get the opportunity to hear their stories, ask them questions, and learn what you need to know to succeed.

You will leave the BOLD Summit not only with the tools but with the knowledge that it is possible and and it’s possible for you! 



BOLD Summit 2014 in Review – WOW!

BOLD Summit Diamond Logo

What an amazing experience that was! So, I made it through my very first BOLD Summit and what a ride it was.  The closest thing I had ever done to putting together a grand event like that was planning my wedding with 150 guests, back in 2007.  A lot of work, but oh so worth it.  What I learned was that I was born to do this.  Every day that I was making calls to potential speakers, planning the meals, planning the video presentations and award ceremony, all of it, I was in a state of bliss. Not relaxed, lounging on a beach kind of bliss, but the excited anticipation kind.  Ideas, possibilities and a rush of power and energy surged through me like never before. There is no doubt whatsoever that this is an important part of my life’s work and my legacy. I was very much a conduit for universal energy and love. I know it sounds a bit cooky, but for me, I was one with the universe, doing my part to help it bloom.  As I said, bliss.

I was reminded again that this is what happens when you are fully aligned with your calling, and so it was. Everything landed into place quite easily. All the speakers I invited said yes. The videos came out beautifully, thanks to Kim Kuhteubl.

The Masters Dinner was lovely.

Julia Molloy and Lauren Liess at BOLD Summit Masters Dinner 2015
Lauren Liess, her husband David Liess and Olga Odeide

The agenda was meaty and dynamic.

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The logistics went well, thanks to Vanessa Kogevinas.

I was extremely pleased and I look back with tremendous pride.

We had about 140 people, top notch speakers who were absolutely fantastic. All of the BOLD Masters were brilliant in their own way.

Richard Landry started the conference off by reminding us what HUGE, amazing, jaw dropping work looks like.

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Clodagh shared her clarity of vision and gave us a glimpse of her enlightened design and ethos.

People still tell me how her presentation touched them deeply. I think a few people cried. It was powerful.

Julia Molloy and Clodagh at the BOLD Summit Masters Dinner 2015
Did I mention that I absolutely adore my dear Clodagh!


Mario Buatta brought levity with his antics while he showcased a generation worth of his work.

business of luxury design BOLD Summit by Julia Molloy of Molloy Management Group with Mario Buatta
Mario and I at the BOLD Masters Dinner

 Then Vicente Wolf brought the house down with his no nonsense brass tacks talk and Q&A. He wouldn’t stand up on the stage. He wanted to be down on everyone’s level and keep it real. He answered questions, in great detail I might add, about what he charges, how his contract is set up, how he hires, how he fires, how he selects clients, everything. Everyone was relieved to know that even the great Vicente Wolf goes through the same challenges they do.  It was a breakthrough moment for many and people are STILL talking about it.

Vicente Wolf at the BOLD Summit 2015

When I ask someone to speak the BOLD Summit, they are told, this is not the -“It’s me show.”  This is the “This is how you do it show.”

And we got that in spades last year.

I think most importantly for me, the industry was elevated and my dear design community was indeed empowered. And that’s what I’m in this for. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are a few things I want to improve upon next year.

More small group breakout sessions. More networking time. A more relaxed flow.

More indoor-outdoor movement and a more peaceful vibe, beyond of the bells and bling of Las Vegas.


If it’s anything like last year though, with a renewed vision of what I am creating, everything will fall into place once again. I am looking forward to the next ride and I hope you all come along with me!

Expecting great things-

Julia Alexander Molloy

Julia Molloy of Molloy Management Group and the BOLD Summit